The exciting experience of playing my Reynolds Contemporas is beyond the power of words to describe. My matched trumpet and cornet respond instantly with a full-bodied brilliance and delicate sensitivity I had never imagined would be possible. Truly, these instruments are a triumph of engineering and craftsmanship and any player will achieve greatest performance with “Leonard Smith” models. After nine months of intensive concertizing, my only regret is that I did not discover these superb instruments many years ago.This 1956 brochure features a number of articles and information, including a letter of introduction by Heinrich Roth (President, Roth-Reynolds), “You Can Play Better” by Leonard Smith, “Understanding Breath Technique” by Smith, Leonard Smith’s Warm-Up Drills, “Importance of Warm-Up” by Smith, and “Should I Choose Cornet or Trumpet?” by Smith, as well as Leonard Smith model trumpet and cornet product information.
The purpose of this website is to preserve the history of the F. A. Reynolds Company and the distinctive qualities of its brass instruments. Contempora Corner and are not related or associated in any way to the former or current F.A. Reynolds Company.
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