The Regent baritones were manufactured by Ohio Band Instrument Co., a subsidiary of F.A. Reynolds located in the same building and using the same craftsmen that built the parent instruments. Reynolds, and then Scherl & Roth, operated Ohio Band until 1949 or 1950.
Ohio Band Instrument Co. (Cleveland, Ohio)
Model ##
The Regent Baritone in B♭
Bore: TBD
Bell: TBD removable front-facing bell
Finish: polished brass with gold lacquer; optional triple silver plate, satin finish, bright silver points with bright bell or gold bell
The Baritone being one of the really essential instruments in the band, we have taken particular pains to build one of an improved design in standard proportions. It is certain to meet the full requirements of any baritone player. Ideally suited for solo playing, the new and larger proportions give it a volume and quality of tone necessary in the brass section for perfect harmony. Well constructed of best quality materials throughout, it is the greatest value that has ever been produced in a baritone.
The purpose of this website is to preserve the history of the F. A. Reynolds Company and the distinctive qualities of its brass instruments. Contempora Corner and contemporacorner.com are not related or associated in any way to the former or current F.A. Reynolds Company.
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