Regent cornets were produced by the Ohio Band Instrument Company (a subsidiary of F.A. Reynolds Co. and located in the same building), which was focused on sales to student instrument dealers. Ohio Band was included when Foster Reynolds sold his company to Scherl & Roth in 1946, but doesn't appear to have continued operations past 1949 or 1950.
Ohio Band Instrument Co. (Cleveland, Ohio)
"The Regent" Cornet Model 1201 is listed in the Ohio Band catalog. The other model variations listed below have been documented from online auction photos or other sources.
Model 1201
"The Regent" cornet with adjustable stop rod on the main tuning slide to enable quick changes to B♭ or A.
Finished with either (1) highly polished brass with gold lacquer; or (2) triple silver plated, satin finish, bright silver points, gold bell.
The "X" brace is the notable design feature of this model iteration.
An instrument with the true cornet quality of tone, exceptionally easy blowing, an abundance of volume, and a well balanced scale in both the high and low registers. Sturdily constructed of the best quality seamless tubing, insuring many years of satisfactory service. Comfortable grip, lightweight rapid action valves; the greatest value ever offered in a cornet at this price.
The purpose of this website is to preserve the history of the F. A. Reynolds Company and the distinctive qualities of its brass instruments. Contempora Corner and contemporacorner.com are not related or associated in any way to the former or current F.A. Reynolds Company.
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